
Maven quick reference sheet

Starting from Version 5.5, the Freedomotic build cycle is managed with Apache Maven. This quick reference explains how Maven phases are bound to specific tasks:

Priming build

First time compile, or to refresh the entire project and submodules

This will compile freedomotic-core and all basic plugins like base-objects, java-frontend, etc.

mvn clean install

How to start Freedomotic

You can do so from command line using

java -jar framework/freedomotic-core/target/freedomotic-core/freedomotic.jar

As an alternative, you can start freedomotic-core project from your favourite IDE.

Compile and test your own plugin

After doing changes to the plugin code...

This will compile your plugin and install it automatically into the Freedomotic runtime (freedomotic-core), ready to be started

mvn clean install

Upload your own plugin on the marketplace

Share your own plugin in a convenient and easy to install way

This will compile your own plugin, deploy it to the online Maven repository and publish the new artifact on the related Freedomotic website marketplace page.

mvn clean deploy -P market -D username="name" -D password="password"

More details on how to publish a plugin.

To know more about Maven phases, refer to the article “Maven: introduction to the lifecycle

That’s all! Open your favourite IDE and start the freedomotic-core project to run Freedomotic on your PC.