Development status: beta testing
Current released version: Freedomotic Commander 5.6 RC4 (released on 16 Aug 2017)
git clone
Now you are ready to work.
cd freedomotic
mvn clean install
If you miss this step Freedomotic won’t start
cp -r data-example/ framework/freedomotic-core/data
java -jar framework/freedomotic-core/target/freedomotic-core/freedomotic.jar
The Git repository is a complete SDK with all you need to code and test your Freedomotic plugins. Once compiled for the first time, open the freedomotic-core project with your favourite IDE and start it to try Freedomotic.
To develop your own plugin, you can start from the hello-world example project included in GIT_ROOT/plugins/devices/hello-world.
Open it in your IDE, make some changes and compile. It will be automatically installed into the Freedomotic runtime (freedomotic-core project). Just start freedomotic-core to try your latest changes.
To create a new release package execute inside the ROOT folder
mvn clean install
The zip file containing the build release is located inside GIT_ROOT/framework/freedomotic-core/target/release/.
The release process is based on create-release.xml file.
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