
Data structures

If you plan to develop a plugin for Freedomotic you will need to access the framework data structures.

These types of data are used with building automation and the Freedomotic architecture:

  1. Environment topology
  2. Environment objects
  3. People
  4. Loaded plugins and extensions

Environment topology

Environment data are accessible by the static reference. It returns the Environment’s instance which gives you access to all of the Environment’s properties


Returns all the zones in the environment


Zones are logical (virtual) portions of the environment. To retrieve the list of physical environment rooms (rooms are also considered Zones) use:


Environmental ‘Things’

The ‘things’ (lights, doors, couches, ...) in the environment can be retrived in different ways:

Get a ‘thing’ by its name

EnvObjectPersistence.getObject(String name)

Get the ‘things’ filtered by protocol and address property

EnvObjectPersistence.getObject(String protocol, String address)

Get the list of the ‘things’ linked to a specific protocol

EnvObjectPersistence.getObjectByProtocol(String protocol)

Get the list of all ‘things’ in the current environment


Use the following import to access this method:

import com.freedomotic.objects.EnvObjectPersistence;


Gets the list of loaded plugins


Returns an ArrayList of Plugin type.

Get a plugin by name

AddonManager.getPluginByName(String name)

Remember to import com.freedomotic.plugins.AddonManager;

Get plugin configuration from manifest

You can access configuration file of a plugin in this way:

int myVar = configuration.getIntProperty("PROPERTY-NAME", 1);

The second parameter in getIntProperty is the default value to use if the PROPERTY-NAME cannot be found or cannot be converted to the proper type (int, double, string, ...)

other methods are:

boolean myVar = configuration.getBooleanProperty("PROPERTY-NAME", true);
double myVar = configuration.getDoubleProperty("PROPERTY-NAME", 1.5f);
String myVar = configuration.getStringProperty("PROPERTY-NAME", "some text");

read tuple properties from config file:

boolean myVar = tuple.getBooleanProperty(tupleIndex, "PROPERTY-NAME", true);
double myVar = tuple.getDoubleProperty(tupleIndex, "PROPERTY-NAME", 1.5f);
String myVar = tuple.getStringProperty(tupleIndex, "PROPERTY-NAME", "some text");

Get received command parameters

The onMessage method has a Command c parameter. Is possible to access the received parameters this way:

String saveItInAVariable = c.getProperty("COMMAND-PARAM-NAME");

Accessing Data Structures from Crosslanguage Plugins

This is done through a REST connection which serves the data. More info can be found at