

The concept of channel is central to the messaging system as events and commands are published on specific channels.

Events are initiated by a sensor plugin. From Freedomotic’s point of view a sensor is composed of a hardware device and software connected to the middleware that manages it.

Events can be exchanged in any of the supported formats (e.g. POJO, JSON, XML) and are communicated to the triggers through a publish/subscribe messaging channel. Each trigger must be subscribed to a channel to receive the events traveling through it.

Wildcard subscription

It is possible to use wildcards for subscriptions in order to automatically include an entire range of events. For example, if a sensor generates events on channel a trigger can listen to this particular event to receive details about person P003’s movements. Otherwise if the trigger listens to∗ it will receive information about the movement of all people detected in the environment.

The wildcard semantic is as follows:

  • period (.) is used to separate names in a path
  • asterisk (*) is used to match any name in a path
  • greater than sign (>) is used to recursively match any destination starting from this name

A trigger is a filter that can be used to decide whether a notified event has to be processed or not. Whenever an event is processed by a trigger, the associated reaction is executed.

A reaction represents a link between a trigger and one or more command list executed by an actuator or another sensing system.

It allows to control the processing flow of the commands, capturing the resulting values of their execution.

Every command list is executed in parallel within a dedicated thread (therefore several reactions can occur in parallel). Each thread sequentially dispatches each command found in its own list using the request/reply pattern.

Notice that trigger and commands are reusable components, as they are not defined inside the reaction (which only specify the structured the execution flow).

A command identifies an outgoing message from the middleware containing the definition of the receiver specified as a Channel address (eg:

A command also contains all parameters needed to perform its execution. Commands are forwarded using request/reply messaging pattern while events use send-and-forget pattern. An actuator is the endpoint of the communication process.

An actuator can physically execute the command in the environment (e.g. turn a light on or open a window). It is also possible to query an actuator as if it were a sensor but only within its domain of control, for example it can reply to a query notifying the state of a light under its control.

Trigger, reactions and commands are defined in XML files that compose the model of all the world entities Freedomotic interacts with.

Such files are automatically loaded and saved to file by the middleware, ensuring data consistency.

Channel Examples