
Freedomotic Messaging System

Freedomotic uses simple structured messages (xml, json) to communicate with its components. This is done through a Messaging Middleware (Apache ActiveMQ).

Freedomotic is based entirely on events and any change in the environment and any user interaction (eg: a click on the GUI) generates events.

Events are published on channels and can be intercepted by triggers.

Each trigger may be associated with one or more commands defining a reaction or automation.

Utilizing this architecture, program behavior is not predetermined but is fully modificable at runtime, making it extremely flexible and adaptable to any possible use in building automation.

When a sensor communicates a change in the environment it sends out an event.

A trigger, which is a sort of an event filter, listens to the event subscribed to the channel on which this event is sent. If the event is consistent with the trigger one or more commands will be executed. The command is automatically sent to the actuator which is able to execute it.

  • A sensor can be an hardware device like a luminosity sensor
  • An event is fired by a sensor, for example luminosity in the kitchen is 30%
  • A trigger can define an expression like if luminosity is less than 50%
  • A command can be something like turn on the light in the kitchen
  • An actuator can be relais board

The result of the interaction between event, trigger, and command is an automated action. In this case the automation is if luminosity is less than 50% turn on the light in the kitchen.


Triggers and commands are defined by the user using the Jfrontend graphical EventEditor. Triggers, commands and automations are saved as XML files.

A Message Journey

The communication process of notification of an event to the execution of a command consists of several steps:

Event (notified by plugins or Freedomotic itself) -> Trigger (acting as an events filter to define simple use cases) -> Command (executed by an actuator)

In this example we will analyze an automation composed by a single command: IF Livingroom light turns on THEN announce its status using text to speech

What happens in the framework?

This is an event which describes a state change of a light which turns from OFF (powered=false) to ON (powered=true). This kind of events is notified on channel app.event.sensor.object.behavior.change by a sensor plugin for example a Modbus sensor.

Events can be notified through hardware protocol plugins, frontends or Freedomotic itself as in this case.

Here is an example event which informs all listeners that a ‘thing’ named Livingroom Light has changed:

        <value>Livingroom Light</value>

You can define triggers to narrow any event just by listening on the event channel and setting a list of conditions (the statements) that must be met in order to consider this trigger as fired. The trigger can then be used as the “WHEN/IF” part of an automation (aka scenario).

Freedomotic starts with a set of predefined triggers which cover most use cases. At any time you can add new use cases using an existing trigger as a template.

  <name>Livingroom Light turns ON or OFF</name>
        <value>Livingroom Light</value>
        <!-- here you can write true to select only 'turns on' cases -->
        <!-- here you can write false to select only 'turns off' cases -->
        <!-- ANY is used to match any case -->

In an automation you bind a trigger to one or more commands. In this case the automation is WHEN Livingroom Light turns on THEN Say electric device status.

The command Say electric device status is shipped with the text to speech plugin ( and looks like this:

  <name>Say electric device status</name>
  <description>say electric device status</description>
      <property name="say" value="=
        if (@current.object.powered)
                say=" is on with brightness at @current.object.brightness";
                say=" is off";

When a trigger is fired Freedomotic loads all related commands and evaluates them using runtime properties. So the command above will look like this when received by the TTS Text to Speech plugin.

Every plugin has access to time and date information, the set of properties defined in the event and the current object state if the event has something to do with environment objects (in this case a light).

Your plugin can use all this information for token substitution and scripting as for the ‘say’ property in the command above. In the command below you can see how the ‘say’ property is evaluated by Freedomotic before sending it to the text to speech plugin:

  <name>Say electric device status [EVALUATED]</name>
  <description>say electric device status</description>
      <!-- Static properties for the text to speech actuator. -->
      <!-- This are defined in data/cmd folder of the actuator itself -->
      <!-- The 'say' property is evaluated using runtime properties -->
      <property name="say" value="Livingroom Light is off."/>
      <!-- generic data taken from the event which started the event-trigger-command chain. -->
      <property name="event.sender" value="Light"/>
      <property name="" value="Sunday"/>
      <property name="" value="23"/>
      <property name="" value="September"/>
      <property name="" value="2012"/>
      <property name="event.time.hour" value="10"/>
      <property name="event.time.minute" value="30"/>
      <property name="event.time.second" value="24"/>
      <!-- the state of the object Livingroon Light when the event was fired -->
      <property name="" value="Livingroom Light"/>
      <property name="event.brightness" value="0"/>
      <property name="event.powered" value="false"/>
      <property name="event.object.currentRepresentation" value="0"/>
      <!-- the current state of the object Livingroom Light (when this command is executed -->
      <property name="" value="Livingroom Light"/>
      <property name="current.object.type" value="EnvObject.ElectricDevice.Light"/>
      <property name="current.object.protocol" value="unknown"/>
      <property name="current.object.address" value="unknown"/>
      <property name="current.object.brightness" value="0"/>
      <property name="current.object.powered" value="false"/>